Children’s Faith Formation Program



We are each called to give of our time, talent and treasure. Can you help support our children’s ministry?


Our Children’s Faith Formation (CFF) programs need volunteers to help teach and support our classes for the 2024-2025 school year. We have opportunities on Sundays from 11:15am-12:45pm and Tuesdays from 3:15-5:15pm. For more information on how to become a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Catechist (CGS), please click our CGS Level 1 Formation Brochure and click here to register online for the Formation and/or contact Kira Ellen for more information. For information on becoming a regular CFF Catechist or Helper, please contact Denise Marine.


Our CGS Program has hand-materials for the children to use and work with. In a world where everything is at our fingertips and Amazon delivery is just one click away, hand-made materials make this religious education experience special for these children. We are looking for people who can use their gifts of construction, carpentry, sewing, painting, drawing and writing. Please fill out our short survey to share how you can support us with your talent(s).


We are always looking for donors to support our program financially. You can make a donation directly to Children’s Faith Formation or Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) through our website portal. We also have a CGS Wish List of items needed for our classes.

what is catechesis of the good shepherd?

This is a very special and unique program that connects the children aged 0-3 years old and 3-6 years old with God. We provide a space just for the children and hand-make materials for them to work with to help them discover the love God has for them. Check out this CGS Info Sheet for some more detailed information. You can also check out the CGS USA Website here.

For more information regarding Children’s Faith Formation contact:
Denise Marine
Religious Education Coordinator
Work (530)343-8741 ext. 212
Cell (530)520-4176

For more information regarding Catechesis of the Good Shepherd contact:
Kira Ellen
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Coordinator